Discipleship means being a follower of Jesus. To be discipled is to be taught . To be discipled in the ways of the faith. Often times we hand a microphone and a Bible to those we identify as gifted , and never check their study life or understanding of what it means to be a disciple. This class is not preparing you to preach. Nor does your participation remove your affiliation from your local church. This course is geared toward giving language and a landing page for the sons (and daughters) of God. This class is Discipleship 101. Apostle Ebony will be taking her students through what it means to truly be committed to the life and legacy of Christ. The topics discussed in this course are: *The Heart and Purpose of Discipleship *The Cost of Discipleship *The Enemies of Discipleship *Church Government This course is a 4 class, online course that allows you to learn at your own pace.
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